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Find the right talent for your vacancies whether it’s via job ads or reaching out personally. With XING, your recruiting solutions will be cutting edge.
Our recruiting solutions lead you effortlessly to talented people tailored to your vacancies. And there are plenty of creative solutions – from high-reach job ads to sophisticated active sourcing solutions and application tracking systems.
Active sourcing allows you to take an active approach to your recruiting and contact your dream talents directly. To do this, you need a strong talent pool and a solution to help you find, select and approach your ideal candidates.
Your vacancies need one thing above all else: visibility. Reach the right talents any time, anywhere with powerful job ads.
Nowadays, talents expect you to show yourself in the best possible light during the application process. And in the world of recruiting, you can also benefit from consistent processes and smart automations.
Speed and visibility are essential, but recruiting doesn’t work without a personal touch. That’s why you need a strategy that includes both proven job ads and dynamic talent searches. A blend of active and passive sourcing.
Post attractive job ads, pursue promising candidates directly with the XING TalentManager, or let our XING TalentService professionals handle your active sourcing. Want more? With XING 360, we curate your individual success package. And our onlyfy Application Manager? That’s the glue that binds it all together.
Post high-performing job ads at a price that respects your recruiting budgets; data-driven and with maximum transparency. XING helps you find your perfect match for every position – from the office to production to healthcare.
With XING Smart, you get XING TalentManager and XING Job Ads at a special price. Benefit from the synergies of active and passive sourcing and save your recruiting budget.
With our application management tool, you can map your entire recruiting process in one solution: from job posting to successful hiring. Comfortably manage incoming applications digitally and benefit from automatic candidate suggestions.
Which products suit your needs? We determine this in a joint dialogue and find exactly the right products for you and your goals
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