The XING TalentManager is the tool for active sourcing in the German-speaking region. Find your ideal candidate by addressing unlimited highly qualified talents in the jobs network XING.
22 million members, more than 6 million of them with particularly well-maintained profiles: With XING TalentManager, you get exclusive access to the largest German-speaking jobs network.
Use Boolean search and more than 31 smart filters, or let our algorithms search for you. The XING TalentManager helps you to identify the right talents in a more simple and targeted way.
Projects, talent pooling, and messaging capabilities make your active sourcing easier and help save valuable time. With XING TalentManager, you can talk to exciting talents more quickly.
Unlimited messages³ and AI support in addressing candidates ensure more success when contacting talents. With push and email notifications, you can reliably reach candidates even when they aren't currently active in the network.
potential candidates in German-speaking countries on XING¹
particularly well-maintained profiles¹
of all recruiter queries on XING are being answered¹
of job seekers prefer to be approached directly by the employer²
quick and easy
free and without obligation
Compact solutions for improved success in active sourcing
Complete active sourcing solution for maximum success
Simple and quick
Free and unbinding
Numerous exclusive search filters enable you to create a targeted search for suitable talents. Alternatively you can also have well-matched candidates recommended to you directly, without having to search for them yourself.
With TalentManager you benefit from exclusive options and have access to all key information about the candidates. Use multiple recruiting filters to find suitable talents quickly and easily. Find out how motivated candidates are to change jobs and see helpful profile details such as salary expectations (where these have been provided by candidates).
Using TalentRadar you can see an overview of the employment market for the vacancy you are trying to fill, or for a specific region. Recruiter insights complete the range of services offered by TalentManager.
The number of licences for TalentManager depends on the plan you have purchased. Licences can be added at any time if required.
Achieve maximum reach on XING,
kununu and many more channels.
Post vacancies, contact potential applicants, and manage your hiring process – all in one integrated solution.
Find your dream hire yourself by messaging XING contacts and non-contacts directly.
Our recruiting experts screen XING profiles and, if you like, get in touch with potential candidates.
¹ XING, internal survey, 2024
² University of Bamberg/CHRIS, study: Recruiting Trends 2020 – Social Recruiting und Active Sourcing 2020
³ XING aims to promote high-quality communication between companies and potential candidates. For this purpose, XING reserves the contractual right to carry out a check in the event of a conspicuously high number of messages sent (over 1,000 per month) or the suspicion of misuse (e.g. spam to users, multiple use of recruiter seats).